Myths and stories attributed to horsehair, more refer to this representative of parasites. This is a rishta, a resident of the tropics, the causative agent of dracunculiasis. However, there is another parasite that strongly resembleshairy. They are absolutely harmless for homo sapiens. However, careful heat treatment kills it.Īdult individuals living in water bodies with fresh water testify to the purity of the flora. The parasite can be found in the body of snails, crustaceans, in fish. Man, accidentally swallowed while bathinghorse hair, the danger does not threaten: a hairy man will not develop in his body due to improper conditions. That's why he does not live long (up to 3 weeks). Nature has created a parasite unable to swallow food, nutrition occurs at the expense of nutrients accumulated at the time when it lived in an insect.

Initially, its larvae penetrate into the embryos of mosquitoes, ground beetles, redwigs, podokon, etc., where they turn into adult worms that go into the water. The parasite of horsehair often creeps along the very bottom, slowly wriggling, sometimes twisting and forming tangles and whimsical loops (as if tied around itself).įreshwater species such as roundworms haveseveral genera. It is very interesting to observe the movementshairy.

This striking similarity influenced the name. The worm is really incredibly similar to the hair of a horse. A tiny fork is barely visible on the threadlike rigid body of the male.

The parasite itself is often darker (usuallybrown, closer to black), rather thin (a large specimen up to a millimeter in width), its dimensions can reach half a meter (more often - up to 40 centimeters), without changes in thickness throughout the body. In order to understand this, it is enough simply to take a closer look at the worm and its cycle of reproduction. For people swimming in a fresh water body (that's where hairy-ducks are found), there is no risk of infection. However, is it justified? How dangerous for us is horse hair?Ī man's parasite does not live. The fear of this vile monster is really great. Everything begins later: the horse hair parasite rushes to the heart, eating out on the way to the main goal all the insides of the owner. Most often he digs into the heel, and the victim in these seconds does not feel the slightest discomfort.
This is unlikely".Īccording to the belief, a horse hair parasite is capable ofto penetrate the skin as soon as a person enters the water. Conrad Gesner wrote back in the 16th century (the book "Natural History"): "It is believed that the horse hair parasite is a real hair from the tail of a horse, revived in the water. There are always a lot of rumors and guesses around him. Horsehair (parasite, photos see below) withfor a long time, people were directly mystical.